J19 BM Metro Neighborhood Playdate

Metro Neighborhood Playdate


6th, 7th, & 8th Graders

Contest Corp Recruit Sponsorship Welcomed

J19 Black Mythology Metro Neighborhood Playdate

J19 BM IndyE STEAMBAS3C * J19 BM Interdisciplinary Creative Artistic Expression Workforce Development Middle School Camps to Careers Incubation programs, for Independent Entrepreneurs in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, Business, Agriculture, Sports & 3C

(civility, civics, civil rights).

Annual Summer Camps & Workforce * Scholarships & Internships * Work Service *

* Corp Recruiters & Master Specialist * Youth Growth Bank Trust & Investment Trust * Youth Pay it Forward *

Life-long Employer/Employee Loyalty Partnerships.

Starting from Middle School to Golden Parachute to Franchise owners!!!!!!!

J19 BM Playdate Bus Tour

J19 BM navigates

10-days and 9-nights.


* 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.

* Picnics.

* Tour Students Cities and Downtowns New/Renovated/Gentrified/Historic/

Black Historic/HBCUs Sites.

* Interactive STEAMBAS3C Camp

* Tyler Perry-style “J19 BM musical theater, awards ceremony,

and wrap party.

* Neighborhood Park Gardens.

Some Kids for the first time, can really see and explore the cities and cultures where they grow up.


J19 BM Playdate Activity Stations

* Corp, Business, School Recruiters

 * Post Secondary Schools:

(Trade, Training, Colleges)

* Master Specialist * Banks * NYSE

* Annual Summer Camps/Workforce

* Scholarships/Internships

* Trust Fund/NYSE Investment Trust

* Five Year Work Service

25 plus (STEAMBAS3C)

Activity Stations Expo -

{STEAM, Sports, Agriculture, Business, Civility, Civics, Civil Rights} 


J19 BM Playdate Youth Growth

Bank and Investment Trust Fund

* J19 BM will start a Bank Trust

* Student Match through Workforce

* Corp Bank Match

* NYSE lifetime Investment Growth

* Future business opportunity

* Bank & Investment Trust Fund with restricted payouts.

  * J19 BM Loyal-Lifelong Employee/Employer partnership.


        ItZ!! Tyme!!  

  • J19 BM Metro Neighborhood Playdate (6th, 7th, 8th graders)

    J19 BM STEAMBAS3C (STEM & STEAM) online contest 

    • 5,000 Student Winners
    • 6th Graders
    • 7th Graders
    • 8th Graders 
    • Playdate Metro Counties
    • Total middle school students  in the Metro Area 
    • Youth Organizations or similar School Programs
    • Master Specialist
    • Post-Secondary Schools, trade, training
    • Business and Corporate Recruiters
    • Students Paying It Forward
    • Student Corp Recruiter Sponsorships
    • Grow the J19 BM Playdate globally

    Scope of Playdate

    • 25+ STEAMBAS3C playdate activities, "See Without a Sky" expo. 
    • Bank Trust Accounts & Investment Trust accounts, 

    Tyler Perry-style “J19 Black Mythology musical theater, awards ceremony, and wrap party.

    Scope of Playdate

    • J19 BM first designed this Playdate to help our STUDENTS, growing up in youth organizations, “See Without a Sky,” and not ask, “But How Do We Get Out,” anymore. 
    • “CORPORATE GIANTS,” who feel they have to close their eyes and pick a minority because of affirmative action. Say, for the first time. We are honestly excited".

    For the 1st time in history, we are doing it differently.

    • Now, students, we need your true wish-list dreams. You know, the one you thought about in elementary school, but your family and peers said no, you can’t possibly be that. You’re dreaming too big. Just pick something more realistic like us. YES! THAT DREAM!
  • J19 BM Playdate Protocol

    J19 BM Metro Atlanta Neighborhood Playdate

    Each student must be in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade within the Metro ATL school districts and belong to their local youth organization.  

    Each student must have an approved Metro Atlanta County address and have lived in any Metro Atlanta County for at least (2) two school years.  Each student must be a member of a verifiable youth organization for at least (2) two years.  Each student can come from any school background. Public, private, charter, home school, school dropout/drop-in, etc.


    Each WINNER will receive a cell phone to record the entire J19 BM Playdate as they start making the Playdate video until they complete the final edit. 

    Once the Playdate is over, the students must produce a video; once the video is approved, they will receive their STEAMAC3 item and all other items shipped to them at home in a locked chest. To further explore the world of possibilities with their families, friends, and peers.


    • 1 -BULLY


    We will have twenty or more STEAMAC3 (STEM/STEAM) career activities stations that will be packed with students, corporate recruits, STEAMAC3  master specialists, and icons, including celebrities in entertainment, sports, and business, youth organizations, sponsors, and chaperones.

    J19 BM will be staffed with media, film crews, stagehands, A/V, gaffers, grips, staff, craft services/caterers, security team, transportation crew, cleaning crew; and outdoor tents, luxury porta potties, and showers; 

  • J19 BM Playdate Agenda

    Monday/Day1 – 

    Playdate Tours

    • The students will travel to their neighborhood parks from each youth organization's facility 
    • Picnic breakfast. 
    • Bus Tour where the students will explore their cities gentrified, newly renovated, historical, and black historical sites. Possibly, for the first time in their lives.
    • Bus Tour to the largest downtown area in the metro county.  
    • HBCU Picnic lunch
    • Walking Tour-(HBCUs) Historically Black Colleges and Universities. 
    • HBCU Picnic lunch
    • and an HBCU College tour.


    • Atlanta Georgia
    • Walk-through of Fourth Ward Park, where Martin Luther King (MLK) grew up.
    • Which was gentrified at $17million.
    • That walk goes through our redeveloped Greenways and Trails/greenspaces & brownfields $670-million famous Atlanta Beltline, where the students will walk half a mile to Auburn Avenue.
    • -Ah! Yes, a midafternoon visit to Civil Rights Row, known as Sweet Auburn.

    Monday/Day1 -

    Dinner and Playdate Estate Activities

    • It’s dinner time! This is the stop where the students can follow their wish-list dreams for the next ten (10) days 

    Tues-Mon/Days2 to 7 – 

    Playdate with the Master Specialist, lake, and  activities Camp 

    • The Playdate camp estate will have a lake, farm animals, outdoor sleeping tents, luxury porta potties, showers, and 25-plus STEAMBAS3C activity stations. 
    • Where the master specialists, icons, corporate recruits, and celebrities are waiting to meet them.

    Monday/Day8 – 

    Playdate Activity Wrap-up

    • Breakfast, lunch
    • Last call for STEAMBAS3C activity stations

    Tuesday/Day9 – 

    Playdate at Tyler Perry Studios 

    • A day in the shoes of iconic Tyler Perry - The students, corporate recruits, STEAMBAS3C station master specialists, icons, celebrities in entertainment, sports figures, business execs, youth organizations, sponsors, chaperones, and invited families and guests. Spend the day at Tyler Perry Studios.
    • TP Studios Tour
    • TP Style, J19 Black Mythology Musical Play
    • TP Style Dinner 
    • Playdate Awards Ceremony
    • TP Style J19 Black Mythology Wrap Party.

    Wednesday/Day10 – 

    Morning Playdate Goodbyes

    • Breakfast & goodbyes at camp

    Wednesday/Day10 – 

    Lunch Playdate Metro Neighborhood Gardening with Seniors and Families

    • And just like that, “Back to the Park from which they came.”
    • Family and friends Invite
    • Now it is time to “Plant the Fruit and Veggie Garden in your neighborhood park.
    • Lunch at Parks
    • Home or Youth organization for family pickup.


    State and local government, organizations, and business participation: 

    Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Georgia Gaming and Wildlife, Georgia Parks and Recreations, Georgia Greater Black Chamber of Commerce, Chambers of Commerce, Metro Georgia Visitors Bureaus, Georgia Department of Agriculture, Local Minority Farmers Association, each City's Government Council, Youth Organization, etc

  • J19 BM Playdate Guidelines and Contest Cost

    Cost to Enter Playdte Contest

    $200 per Student to upload their video reel of their skill and their dreams. 

    Student Sponsor groups are welcome. 

    • With an estimated number of students in the Metro Playdate area.  
    • 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
    • Corporations, Organizations, Celebrities, Businesses, etc. 
    • SPONSOR participation: (an unlimited amount of students-see sponsorship) 
    • 5,000 Winning Student Videos will be voted on online by the general public.
    • The Video will best describe the students' dream careers and their followers.


    • Metro Atlanta
    • 29 Counties
    • 240,000 students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.
    • 5,000 Winners
    • 5,000 employer/employee partnerships.
  • J19 BM Student Entry Guidelines

    Student Guidelines

    • Students must be participating in a school program or youth organization.
    • Youth Organization
    • After-school program
    • Lunch Program
    • Inner-City Youth Activities
    • STEM, STEAM, bused to another school program. 
    • etc... 
  • J19 BM Contestant Sponsorship Guidelines

    We Gladly welcome Sponsorship.

    Sponsorship Guidelines

    • If you live in a certain Metro Playdate County or, want to endorse a certain area of Metro the Metro Playdate Counties. 
    • You can Sponsor Student contestants from that area, organization, like-minded values, dream careers, etc.
    • Based on the number of students you sponsor to enter the contest, ten percentage of those students will be in the winners' circle.

J19 Black Mythology  *

Youth Growth Blocked Bank & Investment Trust Fund Systems

Master Specialist Responsibility

Bring the Bling

Master Specialist will bring there STEAMBAS3C activities and the student will go from station to station each day to explore their skills witht he master specialist. Recruiter and Schools will be judging.   

Event and ongoing Mentorship 

   ItZ! Tyme  

Business, Corporate Recruits and Students Responsibility

Each Business and Corporate Recruiter and student will enter the J19 BM Interdisciplinary Artistic Expression Workforce Development Incubation Programs together in good faith and with good intent.

Businesses and Corporations can recruit the number of students they wish. 

We will have multiple recruiters and colleges to match and assist with the 

J19 BM Loyal/Lifelong-Employee/Employer Partnership Systems.

The funds can only be used for future business opportunities. So students can finally have skin in the game.


      ItZ! Tyme  

Schools Responsibility

Scholarship Partnerships

Post Secondary Trade, Training, Colleges and Universities.

Students Required Training

ItZ! Tyme  

  • Youth Trust Protocol Match



    • $25 Starter Bank Trust Fund


    • $500 J19 BM/Student match from summer workforce development pay.
    • Attending 6th-12th grade annual summer camps, certification, scholarships, and internships
    • 5-years of work hiring after training services


    • $5,000 Bank/Student/Recruiters match
    • Example: 200 Students X $5,000= $1 million one-time matching funds 
    • Give 6th-12th grade annual summer camps, certification, scholarships, and internships.
    • 5 years of work 
    • Careers


    • Investment Growth Trust t $5,525
    • No Risk Monthly Growth 
    • Certified Law Firm for Minors Trusts Fund


    A specialty App is being developed to house individual students' investments.



    We realize things happen. If a student drops out of school, we give them two years to return get their GED, and drop back into the Playdate program.   

    If the two years pass, J19 BM gift the Playdate  Trust to a designated family member or friend.




  • Potential Growth Goal

    $27,625,000 Total Investment Growth Trust Fund per Playdate

    Trust program is an ANNUAL event.

    • $27,625,000 *  Total Trust Fund per Metro County Playdate. 
    • 5,000 *6th, 7th, 8th Graders Playdate Students 
    • $5,525 * Matching Investments 
    • $25,000 * anticipated growth upon High School graduation.
    • $50,000 * anticipated growth upon post-secondary graduation.
    • $100,000 * anticipated growth upon five years of work service.

    Other Program:

    • $13,812,000 * Investment per HBCU
    • 2,500 * HBCU GOCCHS College Tour Students (Greeks, Organizations, Clubs, Corporations, Historic Sites, Schools) 
    • $5,525 Matching Investments

$200 to enter contest - With Corporate Sponsorship Free

Film a Camera or Cell Phone 1 minute


of "YOU" doing your "Favorite Skill."

Dream it, Upload It, Pay for it, and Press Submit.

See Without a Sky!


or J19BMChallenge2024.com

J19 BM ©


ItZ Tyme! 

You Got This!  

Artistic Creative Expression Workforce Development Incubation Program

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